Messages 2024
Say a Simple Prayer
May 27th, 2024
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
I am here, your sister and friend, in the love of God. I am Care.
My dear ones, living in the material world, a world of thoughts, a world of concepts, ideologies, and dogmatic beliefs, one has to wonder how do we reach the heart of the matter? For you cannot find God through the mind and as many, if not all of you know, there is a variety of beliefs about God and yet how many truly wish to supersede these beliefs and come into prayer, to be in the presence of our Creator and receive the essence of love.
When you come into this circle of light, you can truly let go and allow God to fill your souls. It is an asking from the heart. It is a longing of the soul. It is an ascendancy of the soul over the mind. Those who pursue the material path, those who have protected their hearts from the arrows of the world, at some point realize they cannot connect to the love of God, and I would say in many cases, even to the love of their fellow human beings.
It is not uncommon in the world of the material mind for even churches to proselytize their beliefs in very intellectual ways, each one proclaiming to be the real thing. And so you are confronted in your efforts and your wishes for all to receive the gift of God’s love with an array of barriers and in most cases, these are of the mind.
However you can attempt, as our dear brother Francis once proclaimed, to preach the gospel of God’s love to all and if necessary, use words. You can attempt to reach out in song and really through any of the arts, and yet sometimes it’s as simple as making a meal, assisting the handicapped, or giving comfort to the downtrodden. For the gifts of your heart are informed by the love in your souls and these gifts are more valuable than any material possession, any fame, any power on earth.
In my own life and time on earth, as I began to feel with my entire being this love of God, I gave the gift of my soul, sometimes with a hug, always with a smile and I could see that this outreach was more effective than any words and so, if I received a response, I would often ask “Can we pray?” And not surprisingly, the answer was, “Please, do!” I would say a simple prayer, what you would call non-denominational, asking the Creator to bless our souls, to heal our hurts, to fill us with His love, and for the company of the angels. This simple prayer often came with a miracle, sometimes big, sometimes small, but always blessed.
I shall step back in this prayer, in the love of God, and wish you all the greatest blessing of the infilling of God’s love. May it heal you. May it change you. May it grace your lives that you may be a blessing to every soul you encounter on your journey to the celestial heavens. May God bless you.
With all my love, and a hug for all. I shall step back. I am Care.