Messages 2024

Silence is golden

November 16th, 2024

Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

It is I, Clare. May our hearts be open in this circle that the Creator may fill every soul with the essence of His love.

I am quite familiar with the practice of silent prayer as it was the touchstone of the Order of Poor Clares, known back then as the Poor Sisters. We spent much time in silence and prayer. We would designate one of the sisters to interact with whomever came to our door and even when we, as a group, would serve others, we did so in silence. We often sang which allowed us to express our desire to be with God and it brought us so much joy. Consider, if you will, interacting with the world in silence. Consider a musician who is blind and yet can describe in great clarity the colors, the shapes, the images of the world in songs. As you may know, Beethoven wrote his ninth symphony in deafness. How is this possible? His inner being could hear the music, his soul responded, and his fingers could express what he could hear internally.

If you were too, as some of you do, spend a day in silence, allowing your mind to speak to God, your heart to open, your soul to be in the presence of the spirit, and then engage the world, speaking from your soul whether with words or without you would see the wisdom of silence. Much communication is done in language, in text; busy minds chatting away. When one is in God’s grace, one chooses one’s words wisely and discovers that quite often, a wordless embrace, an act of service, and a smile communicates something more precious, more beautiful than many volumes of words. This is not to say that inspired writings are without merit, for, who here has not been touched by a great poem, or wonderful lyrics in a song that moves you? One that moves you from a somnambulant existence into an awakened heart.

Yes, there is value in silence, spiritual value. And there is value in words that serve and inspire and guide. Knowing that you will be having a discussion, I do not wish to discourage but rather engender such discussion, yet to remind those who speak to choose wisely, to uplift each other.

Every soul is capable of not only receiving the love of God but uplifting other souls in areas where assistance is needed in places sometimes hidden where unhealed wounds linger. For where one has wounds, another has light and, in this way, each one can serve another.

To this day, the order that I founded generally speaks less than two hours at a particular time of day and for those that choose that path, it can be very beneficial. But for you who live in the world and must communicate with other beings, it can be a wonderful way to communicate from your soul and the light there-within given by God, to another soul.

Thank you for hearing these words. I pray they will be beneficial to you and to the world. I shall step back in this prayer. I am your sister, in Christ. I am Clare of Assisi, now a celestial angel and whenever you call, I am delighted to come. May God bless you, each one. May your hearts be lighted, your souls be transformed in the blessings of God’s love. Go in peace.