Messages 2024

Spiritual Communion and Community

June 30th

Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

My beloved brothers and sisters, I come today to offer my support for all of your endeavors in your souls’ progressions to the fountainhead of God’s love. For you are a community and a communion of souls, seeking the highest. As you grow, you embrace more and more diversity and yet, what is so significant is that you’re all one in the love of God and therefore lifted above your differences.

When you look around the world, you realize that all human beings in their earth lives have similar needs. Recently I called these requirements, for one is required to fulfill those needs in order to survive. Food, water, shelter, clothing, these are the bare necessities. And so you find in some cultures, multiple generations, living together out of necessity, but also out of tradition. And if it is a loving situation, it can be very beneficial for both young and old, caring for each other, looking out for each other, protecting each other, and above all, loving each other. When you add the element of God’s love to any communal situation, all in that situation have the opportunity to be transformed, for their souls to be changed from the human to the divine, from the mortal to the eternal.

From our perspective, we can often see people who have had a rough time, perhaps a very nefarious existence, living in insalubrious circumstances, and of course this is reflected in the spirit world as well as on the earth plane. In terms of one’s happiness, those requirements which are spiritual are that; one has forgiveness and mostly for oneself, that one helps another soul, lifts them up as those more progressive souls have lifted you up and will continue to lift you up.

For the universe is progressive and there is never any soul that is predestined to be in the lower spheres, in the hells as it is sometimes referred to. And so, to you who live on earth, you who have the benefit of knowing that the love of God is available to every soul that longs for love, for happiness, to be changed, or to be in the presence of grace. You can also, in the most simple and soulful way, lift others up. Encourage them to forgive themselves as you forgive yourself and are always forgiven already by our heavenly Father. This is the Law of Progression. This is what awaits every soul in the love of God who seeks it.

So to those who wish to be in community in a physical manner, beyond coming together occasionally for retreats or gatherings, we would encourage this and we would encourage it in many places, for even if the world was not in crisis, forming a community with the foundation of God’s love is something that is truly wished for, hoped for and there will be many types that will encompass many cultures. So as you consider these situations, whether you wish to be in community with others with a spiritual foundation or simply be in spiritual community, we make no judgement, for God only wishes you to seek at-one-ment with His soul, whatever your circumstance.

I thank you for allowing me this time and I shall step back in this beautiful circle of souls so blessed that there’s a sweetness in the atmosphere surrounding this circle and there is a light extending out over the earth unto the heavens.

May God bless you. I am your brother in Christ. I am Luke. Go in peace.