Messages 2024
Surprising Gifts of Your Souls are Opening
February 10th, 2024
Sechelt, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
God bless you, my friends, I am your servant in the Father’s love, Seretta Kem. In the times to come many gifts will open for each one of you, surprising gifts, gifts that you had never heard of or understood before, gifts that will enhance your instrumentality and your capacity to serve as God’s instruments.
My beloved friends there is a wealth of possibilities hidden within your soul. They only await the awakening that comes with the Father’s Love. In this way, aspects of consciousness, of wisdom, understanding, perception, gifts of healing, gifts of love that may come through you and within you bringing an altered state of awareness and capacity to understand yourself and to understand the very nature of life, to understand the very Soul of God.
These are the things that you require, the tools that are necessary if you are to venture out into the world as true leaders to inspire others. Indeed it is important to speak of the great gift of God’s love and to demonstrate this gift. I wish you to harken back to our beloved brother Jesus who walked the Earth demonstrating, expressing the truth of God’s Love. He healed and he spoke with inspiration. He shone with great light. He was an instrument that brought joy and brought hope to many. In his speaking and demonstrating of the truth, he inspired many souls to open to this truth.
Now there will never be another Jesus. He is unique. But each one of you carries an element that he carried, although he was complete in all his gifts and expression of those gifts. You, my beloved and beautiful friends, have many aspects of what he carried within you and it is time to acknowledge these things, to live them, to express them, to be strong enough, brave enough, inspired enough to walk out into the world as His instruments, to be God’s channels of love. For it is love that is the key. It is the core. It is the very aspect of your soul that will ignite all these things of which I speak. As you grow in the love, so the love is stronger in expression, deeper and more varied in its expression.
It is time for you to slough off those inhibitions, those parts of you that, as the dear daughter suggested, are holding you back, are judging or are restricted. These things are no longer truly a part of yourself. These things need to be confronted with your true self, with the knowledge, wisdom and strength that comes from a soul awakened in God’s Love. In this way you will be able to see the folly of those false concepts and ideas of your own being, things that have been imprinted upon your minds through various experiences on this earthly plane. Those things in need of eradication so that the clarity and beauty of your soul, the capacity to love, the capacity to speak truth and express truth, to demonstrate truth in many ways, may come to the fore, and that old and tired self that continues to hold onto antiquated ideas and concepts will be no more within you.
Indeed there is a part of you that wants to hold on, to keep close, for you think that this is your identity, but it is merely a construct of your mind that needs to be recalibrated and rebuilt into something that is more of the truth and less of error. Each of you carry these falsehoods within you. Each of you has, to some degree, a sense of cherishing these ideas long held, these concepts that you have spent a lifetime building.
Yet you have prayed for the transformation of your soul which will change everything within you. You must allow this manifestation of soul to incorporate all parts of you so that you are truly whole and beautiful in the light of God’s Love. That you are truly expressing your understanding of truth that comes with this light, that comes with your experience and relationship with the Creator of all. When you can do this, not in the total and pure form of the transformed soul, for this is asking more of you than you can possibly bring to yourself at this time, but to edge closer and closer to those aspects of yourself that are being transformed and changed by the Father’s love.
Indeed at some point you will be transformed completely and that your soul will be pure and unadulterated by the human condition, by error and darkness. As with most things in your world, it is truly a difficult task to go from one swing of the pendulum to the very edge of the other swing. Back and forth you go often but to stay in that light forevermore would be a great challenge indeed. Not that this would be impossible, yet we take comfort in the small efforts that you make each and every day. We take joy in the budding transformation of your soul. We appreciate all that you are and all that you can be and we continue to encourage you toward the trajectory of purity and light that comes with the Father’s Love.
Today I encourage you once more to open yourselves to that great and beautiful gift, to do so with urgency, fervency and deep desire. For in this, gifts will emerge almost as if a miracle has happened within you. They will come unbidden and they will be truly a part of you, not something that a spirit has put into you but something that God has put into you and will manifest accordingly. It is God’s plan for each one of you, to awaken in this way. Indeed at times the purification of your soul brings about a sense of stagnation and difficulty. But this is also part of the process. It is your test. How long will you hold onto those aspects of yourself that hold you back, that tension resistance being the dominant part of your awareness at this moment.
It is time to let go. It is time to release. It is time to allow the deep and profound healing of God’s touch to wash away those things that hinder you. In their place comes a great renewal, awakening and transformation. It is time, beloved souls. Your souls know it is time and your souls are pushing and straining to be freed from the shackles, the self-imposed shackles that are within you.
Look deep, my beloved brothers and sisters. Look beyond the illusions of the material mind. Look deep, beyond even the ideas of the spirit. Go directly to your soul and see what is there. You will be astounded, delighted and inspired by all that the soul is, all that it is transforming into, all that it can be, given the opportunity to be. You are each beautiful lights. So much shines and scintillates within your souls. Allow this to be your expression. Allow this to be your life.
I thank you for listening to me, my beloved friends. I am Seretta Kem. I love you dearly. I have been with you for a long time now and I see the progress made. The efforts that we have made from spirit are beginning to bear fruit. The efforts that God has made in creating you and leading you to that place where all the potentials within may be realized. In this, God has joy and acknowledges His true handiwork and its beauty and wonderment. May you be blessed my beloved friends, in His Love, the key to all that I speak of. Seek it and know it. Seek yourself and know yourself and you will be well pleased with what you find. God bless you, my friends. My love is with you always. God bless you.