Messages 2024
The Angels Come a Long Way to Be With You
May 21st, 2024
Sechelt, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
May the blessings of the Father’s Love be upon you, beloved brethren. I am your brother and friend Jesus and I come to pray with you once again. I ask you to reach out to your brothers and sisters who are lost but in great need and desire for truth. For there are many unspoken, unwilling to reveal this vulnerable part that is hidden within their souls. There is pain, there is loneliness, yet there is deep longing and desire.
All souls long for love, yet many upon the Earth plane continue to hide this longing, to ignore it and do not embrace it fully. They seek the love of another. They seek the distractions of the pleasures of the Earth. They seek many things that will dull the pain of this unrequited love, the desire of the soul to be with God. Yet, we persist. We come to this earthly plane. You have no idea how far we come, how the sacrifice is great for us to come into your midst. Yet, each one of you has angels with you. Each one of you has the blessing of a purified and transformed soul who inhabits the Celestial Kingdom, to come with you and be with you in prayer.
We come a great distance and we do so not with great trepidation or resentment, but with love and humility. For we carry the Grace of God with us and we know in order to establish harmony within your earthly plane, it requires the intervention of all angels and spirits of light and God’s Hand to bring this transformation to the world. We earnestly set about to be with you and to be with all those who have this desire, this longing. Many do not know that we are present. Many are unaware that God is working to bring them to this truth, bringing them to the fountainhead of truth and love.
We do so quietly but powerfully. We do so with great love and compassion. For we have the eyes to see the soul, to know the suffering of humanity. It is great and it does indeed overshadow the light that is longed for, the truth that is desired, the love that each soul wishes to have and be blessed with. This terrible darkness, this terrible loneliness, this terrible condition of humanity, where there is so much ignorance, strife and difficulties of the material. We seek to overcome this and we seek for our brothers and sisters here and elsewhere, to work diligently to help others overcome the great deprivation of the soul, that they may come to recognise this.
How difficult it is indeed, to truly acknowledge this deprivation and yet it is necessary in order for the soul to break through the barriers, the mindful conditions, the earthly conditions and reach out to God and in all earnestness, longing and desperation. For many of you have experienced this continued desire and continued barrier to be with God. You have found some satisfaction, some blessing as you have prayed and put forth your longing to be with God. So we come to you with the hope that you will find more fulfilment, more openings, more experiences of God’s great Touch upon your soul.
We pray with you. We come to you for this very purpose, that you may truly come to know God and know your own soul. That you may truly come to receive and acknowledge the reception thereof, of this great love, this great healing blessing, this transformative Touch from God. It is there for the asking, beloved souls. I ask you to pray for others. Pray for those you know. Pray for your loved ones, that they too may find the way, the opening, the crack within the armour, that the light may flow in and that there may be a conscious acknowledgement of this gift. That there may be a blessing given and received, and that this may be the beginning, the opening of that which will change one’s life, one’s focus, one’s purpose for life. To know God in this way to receive His great blessing of Love, is to change irrevocably the direction of the soul. That it will indeed be drawn and work towards the great light that is the Truth of God’s Love and find its mark within and be changed forever in this blessing.
I am your brother and friend Jesus. I come to acknowledge your efforts. I come to acknowledge your struggle. I come to acknowledge the longing of your souls. I say to you that God has heard your longing. God responds accordingly and God shall do so for all eternity. God bless you, beloveds. My Love is with you. The love of the angels surrounds you. The Love of God pours upon you and its Living Waters, refreshing your soul. God bless you, beloveds. I shall never leave you. I pray with you always and forever more. God bless you. God bless you, beloveds, in the light of truth, in the power of love, in the Grace of God’s Touch, in the peace that passes all understanding. I love you. God bless you.