Messages 2024
The Benevolence of God
January 17th, 2024
Received by Al Fike
God bless you, beloved souls. I am Matthew. The minds of men continue to swirl within the human condition. This dark cloud of thought, the result of millennia of actions and thoughts of humanity, is creating around the Earth a miasma of darkness and error. Humanity is climatized to this condition, thinking and feeling that this is the norm. That this is how it should be, and that God has created the world in this way, that God endorses the actions of man because man sees themselves as the creator of things.
Indeed, humanity is the creator of things. They create many things with their thoughts and their actions, tempering the world to reflect the condition of man. So you find yourselves at times rejected by others, different from others, apart from others, because you no longer subscribe to this condition, this way of being in the world. Many in your world feel justified for their thoughts, their judgments, and their actions that are not reflective of love. Many seek to oppress others, to bring others into a state of suffering and yet, feel very justified in this.
Those who bring darkness and suffering to the world do not know God. For if they truly did, they would be loving, reflecting God in everything. The Laws of God’s Love are laws that bring harmony and peace. They bring the individual closer to the Creator. They teach the individual how to be in harmony with the created and with themselves and with one another. These are the things of God. Yet, humanity continues to strive to create its own reality and own conditions that are often contrary to the Laws of Creation, the Laws of Love.
This great stress, a tension between that which is of the darkness and that which is of the light, continues to be part of your reality and your experience in life. I know for many of you it is easier to be quiet, to not speak of truth, or at least the truth that you understand. Yet, many around you speak of their truth and understanding and you are aware through your soul’s perceptions that what they speak of is not true, but is contrary to love. The greatest antidote to this is to be love, to accept others, embrace them and to be God’s channels of love in the world. In this way, whatever darkness is foisted upon you cannot truly touch you. For darkness cannot penetrate light unless it is invited in by your mind and those feelings within you that are hurtful and judgmental and erroneous to love.
My beloved and beautiful friends, be uplifted in love. Even though you are aware and know of the human condition that is all around you, be with God. Be with your Heavenly Creator in all things. In this way, those that would hurt you, assail you, judge you, condemn you, will not touch your heart. You will feel compassion for those who are expressing the very thing that they condemn you for. That is that you are of darkness, that you are wrong, that you intend to harm and to bring harm to others.
There are none so blind as those who cannot see, and there are many who are blinded, deaf and dumb to the truth. The truth is that God is Love and that God expresses love to every child of His creation. Every being is loved by God. That love does not include judgment or condemnation. Love is not any of these things. Love is pure and expansive, embracing and forgiving. Love brings harmony and peace. Love is the Essence of God.
You, with your prayers, wish to receive and to embody and to absorb this great Essence that is God, this wondrous gift that is a part of God. In this way, you become a living confrontation to the darkness. Where you bring light into yourself, you bring light into the world. This is what you are meant to do, beloved souls, in your efforts to live a life of love and light you bring light into the world. Those who feel uncomfortable with this, or are confronted because you do not agree and speak their language and their paradigms of truth, judge you and push you away and say that you are evil and of darkness, that you are wrong and deluded. Pitiful, my friends, pitiful. For if they were to look within themselves, they would see the well of pain within. They would recognise that there is a great need to be healed and uplifted in love. In time, they will do so.
For those you love who are lost within these dark conditions, I say to you, be patient and faithful, be an example. Your strength, in time, will uphold them. In time, your strength will uphold many, many who will be in need, great need of truth, of peace, to be settled into peace and know God in their hearts. Indeed, this dichotomy between the material mind and that of the soul continues to play itself out in the world. Thus, these discrepancies, judgments and conditions proliferate as a result of these mindful conditions.
Yet there are some who live in both worlds. There are some who have a bright soul, and yet condemn and judge others because their paradigm of thought is different from their’s. It is baffling, is it not, to see how the world is skewed so much in this way? Yet, God continues to uphold, to heal, to bring truth, to educate, to bring blessings bountifully to the Earth. In time, humanity will be uplifted and healed. Then there will be a great step into light, a new way to live, the wondrous condition of light that will come from the mercy and benevolence of God upon humanity. His Love shall shine forth and humanity will bask in the light and know peace forevermore.
God bless you, beloved souls. I am Matthew. I love you dearly, most dearly, beloved souls. God bless you.