Messages 2024
The Center of your Universe
November 11th, 2024
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
I am here, your brother, Galileo.
I am drawn to your circle this evening by the magnetism of God’s love and the light emanating from this circle.
As you know, I was an explorer of celestial bodies, as was my brother Nicolaus Copernicus. He concluded that the Earth was not the center of the solar system but rather the sun. My conclusion aligned with his, but when this discovery was presented to the authorities, which in my time and where I lived was the church, it was rejected and I was essentially under, well you might call it ‘house arrest’, but let me just say I was ‘set aside’.
Eventually, the world finds out that the earth is not flat, that the sun is at the center, and that there are trillions of such worlds. Amid the vastness of creation, the great being of God’s spirit permeates all and there is nothing that is not alive, for even what you consider a void, is filled. So, once an explorer of celestial bodies, in a sense, I am now a celestial body, as is my brother Copernicus. This Celestial being is your destiny, so I wish you all to think big. Make the love of God the center of your universe, the center of your soul.
I know and realize there are many, many attractions vying for your attention in your lives on earth and you wish to explore them of course, but there is also a need for you to serve when called upon and so, you do.
You have responsibilities but also possess the ability to respond. And so, if you put the center of your lives first if you are truly open to the great love of the Creator, your very being is empowered and the world so needs this substance, this essence. Each one of you obtaining the great gift of Divine Love heals the world and lifts the vibration, and this is truly the requirement for spiritual change upon the planet and to be in harmony with the great laws of the Creator, the harmony of the cosmos, filled with song, filled with light.
There are many who need assurance, who feel that they lack the faith that is required to step forward and if they do, perhaps they too will be set aside. However, if you reflect upon every miracle, however small, however large in your lives, you realize you could not fathom how these blessed things aligned so perfectly and you look to the heavens and say, “Thank You, God.”
Lastly, I say to you my dear friends, it is not so important for you to evaluate every how, why, and wherefore of the mechanics of things because when you are in the presence, the Holy presence, these things become apparent, beyond the mind and what it can understand, to your soul and that soul, whose center is in God’s love, the essence of the Creator, becomes a celestial body.
I do not come to the Earth plane very often, but I did come when my brother Copernicus spoke through the other dear brother recently and he encouraged me, and this brother felt my prompt and I thank him for stepping forward and I am well pleased.
May the great love of God come into each soul here and fill it to the brim in our oneness. We are all the children of God who smiles upon us, embraces us, and loves us. I thank you. May God bless you. I am Galileo.