Messages 2024

The Hero’s Journey

February 26th, 2024

Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here, your brother in Christ, Judas. My dear friends, you are all aware to a greater or lesser extent of what is known as the hero’s journey, which comes out of the great mythologies before my time on earth, and because of the truths that are contained in the journey, to this day it maintains its importance in the stories that are told in books and in film and plays.

Of course, most of what occurs and what is revealed is in the human condition of overcoming obstacles and ultimately experiencing transformation. And on every step of the way in the hero’s journey, there is a spiritual counterpart. One may be born in very humble circumstances or very ordinary circumstances, but somewhere along the line, in a lifetime one is impelled to take an adventure, sometimes not knowing where it will lead, other times with a very focal point to be achieved. There is often a teacher or many teachers encouraging this one along the way, but I would say it is a crisis which generally impels one to move beyond reluctance, beyond their fears, and to step out. In the natural world, the hero faces many opponents, enemies, perhaps violence, insults, the entire gamut of things that can befall one on any journey, but the hero persists and takes that leap.

On the path of natural love, the hero/warrior becomes victorious by maintaining his or her vision, overcoming obstacles and staying focused on the earthly journey; the hero is transformed and has many rebirths (within a lifetime) of a kind, and is yes, transformed, perhaps from hate to love, perhaps from being a criminal to being a kind and loving, or perhaps simply from bondage to freedom, now a redeemed person.

The spiritual hero is guided by his or her soul in some form of prayer reaching out and often that is simple, as simple as “Dear God, please help me, show me the way,” and thus the way opens and on the spiritual path, the hero-to-be realizes the more he engages with the Creator and with the angels, the more things fall into place. With divine guidance on the spiritual path, the hero becomes transformed with the soul carrying in it a piece of immortality and ultimately rebirth in the love of God.

Now, it can be said that these two paths, the natural and the divine, can certainly intersect, because we are talking about lives on earth. You know, before my time, Plato and then Aristotle spoke of four virtues: temperance, prudence, justice, and courage. After my time, there was a good Pope, his name Gregory, who added faith, hope, and charity to those. And these seven virtues became the friends of the hero on the spiritual journey to overcome the seven deadly sins, being a blessed counterpart to a fall from grace.

We can add prayer and of course, the longings of the soul for oneness with God that will bring every blessing, transformation, and soul re-birth in God. You are all on this journey and as is said, and we have said, and I shall say again, you have chosen well. May you walk in the light of the Lord, our God, our Creator, for we are all His children and worthy of His love.

So, be kind, allow the virtues to lead the way. Allow your prayers to bring the grace that changes all. We shall celebrate every triumph and we shall welcome you in the light and the love of God. Take heart. Let your soul fill with this love. Be joyful, for God loves you. I am your brother and friend, a disciple of the master, and I join you now in God’s holy presence in this beautiful communion, with all my love. I am Judas.