Messages 2024
The Illusions of Your Mind Will Dissolve With Soul Progression
November 30th, 2024
Sechelt, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
God bless you, beloved souls. I am your teacher, Augustine. I wish to touch upon a matter that is somewhat mindful, but important, and that is the distortions of the mind and how they affect the reality of your Earth plane. Each of you are subject to some degree to these distortions and conditions that humanity has created and continues to create in powerful ways.
The mind is the creative force. We have said often that thoughts are real things and, indeed, they are. When collective thought is unified and in synchronisation, then that which can be created is powerful and often very tangible. Humanity does not understand the power of their own thought and the power of collective thought is unimaginable to many. Indeed, each of you have experienced and touched upon these creations of thought in your work. You interpret these things in your own way and label them in such a way that they are acceptable to you or, at least, they come to make sense to you.
This is another reason why we encourage you to delve more deeply into your soul, because within your soul, which has been awakened by Divine Love, you have the wisdom and discernment to tell the difference between what is a creation of thought and what is real and a creation of God. Many who take the journey of soul awakening pause at this door, the door of seeing the reality that man has created in all its complexity, in all its powerful expression and realise that much of what humanity thinks is real is, in fact, the illusionary product of thought.
Thus, it is important for each individual, when they do come to this realisation, to pass through that door and ask to be shown truth, always. As it stands now with all of you, and I include everyone who is involved in the Divine Love community, there is a commingling of false thought form and truth within your minds. This is a somewhat harsh judgment, but it is a reality. This is why there is disagreement amongst you at times, why you seek other sources of information and absorb this information as truth, because it resonates with your mindful reconciliation of what you believe to be true. Thus, you reinforce the illusions.
Yet, truth comes from that gut feeling, as you recall it, that source of soul that says, “yes, this is true.” Yet, even in this situation, the mind will interpret the truth. The mind will even add to that truth with the illusions that it has absorbed and perpetuates in consciousness. Thus, the feeling that this is true is not necessarily complete and without some condition or influence of error or illusion.
I say these things not to discourage you, beloved souls, but to encourage you forward in your pursuit of truth. It is important that you understand that much of what individuals, that you help and assist along their journey experience, are creations of their mind. Indeed, you must see them as such. Soul encrustation is a creation of mindful habits and experience, making them solid thereby solidifying them around the soul.
Those of you who are visual in your reception of guidance, in your communication with God, often add and edit those visions with some form of mindful concepts and illusions. You see, this condition of humanity influences and impregnates everything in your world. Thus, it is a difficult challenge for each and all of you to rise above and beyond such conditions and ideas. The purity of soul refines truth into such simplicity that it is difficult for the mind to accept. It is important that you understand this is your process. This is your way of experiencing the world. As the Divine Love grows within your soul, as you inch closer to that reality, the illusions of the mind and the encrustations of the soul begin to dissipate and you come to that purity of truth and experience with God.
We do not ask of you that it is all or nothing, that either all must be pure or we will not engage with you. If this was the case, then we would not be with you, for none of you have purity to this degree. But, you are working toward this condition, this purity. You must have faith in yourself and in the process that comes with the Divine Love purifying your soul and also purifying your thoughts and your condition, even down to your very cellular nature. All of these things are being influenced by the Divine Love. As what was spoken earlier on this day, there are other influences and forces that are coming to you that also purify and rectify the error toward a place of purity.
It is a complex journey, beloved souls. You must be humble and realise that you carry your own set of illusions and error. That, in time, these things will dissipate and you will be in the purity of understanding truth that will make you a formidable instrument for God. Each has their own way and their own timing upon this road. Some insist on indulging in the error and distortions of the mind. Some wish to negate the mind and fall completely into soul, which is an admirable intention. Yet indeed, each of you are responsible for understanding and sifting through the layers of error that you carry and letting that go in prayer with Divine Love.
I am not suggesting that you make this a project, but rather, as you receive Divine Love, so these things come to the fore and confront you. It is your responsibility to release them. So, I wish to encourage you upon the road of truth and also help you to understand that upon that road are many challenges and conditions. Often you are unaware of these things, but they exist. We see them. We see them clearly within you and we try to help you to see them and to release them.
It is a time-worn process that will require great effort and focus, concentration and prayer primarily, but also observing your daily life, the biases that you carry, the conditions that you perpetrate and the decisions that you make. These things are all crucial elements upon the path of soul awakening and soul transformation. Every soul must go through this process, whether they do so on the earthly plane or in the spirit world. It is a process that is required.
Theoretically, a soul may sidestep all of these conditions and challenges in prayer and receiving such a great inflowing of the Divine Love that they are transformed. This is possible. It was demonstrated in the Pentecost, but it is improbable because the conditions now upon your Earth are so thick and intense with these illusionary forces and creations that it would be very difficult to remove yourself from them, because they are insidious and subtle. Yet, I do not wish to suggest that it is impossible to do so, but our observance of many of you, and some of you for many years, shows it is likely that you will continue within the tedious process that you have already begun.
You will be freed from these conditions in time with faith, patience and perseverance, with loving yourself and observing yourself. So I reiterate, much of human thought, much of human existence and their perceptions of that are the result of a delusionary process and manifestations of the material mind. These things are a great barrier to knowing one’s own soul and to knowing God. They need to be acknowledged, even respected for their power and to be overcome.
Continue in your prayers, beloved, beautiful students. Continue to seek truth. Continue to realise with humility that what you grasp as truth is also tainted with error. In time, you will come to the purity of truth that you so seek and desire. God will lead you along that road. We will accompany you along that road and all will lead toward that purity, that state of being that is magnificent and wondrous and reflects the miracle of the Love of God, transforming you into something that is greater than what you are now.
May you be blessed, beloved souls, with His Love. May you continue to see with eyes clear, the scales peeled away and the understanding piercing the layers of falsity and illusion, coming to the truth in all its beauty, purity and simplicity. God bless you, beloved students. I am your teacher, Augustine. I come to you with the utmost of love and humility to help you along your way, to help you see, for each of you are servants of God in your own way. Each of you will become more beautiful and powerful servants as the illusions fall away and the truth is apparent. God bless you, beloved souls. God bless you. Augustine loves you, always. God bless you.