Messages 2024
Treasure the Gift God Has Given to You
February 6th, 2024
Sechelt, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
God’s hand is upon you, beloveds. I am John, John the beloved. The bonds you share are bonds of love, Love that has shone forth from the Soul of God come down to the Earth blessing each one of you, precious in His sight, precious in the sight of all who see and appreciate God’s creation. For each one is precious, each soul given a beautiful gift, the gift of His Love. Treasure your gift, beloved souls. Treasure what God has put within you, an eternal flame that continues to grow, for in this, the awakening of all that is within you, has begun. You will continue to come to know God in all His glory and wonderment, all the peace and joy that comes with the Father’s touch upon you.
You are truly His children. You are truly loved. All that is meant to be for you in your lives will be manifest. As you continue to grow and thrive in the Father’s Love, you will reap the rewards as you pass into the realms of light, into the world of spirit, on your way, your journey to at-onement with God, entering into the Celestial Kingdom where you are destined to go, beloved souls, destined to be close to God in this way. For God has created a beautiful place for each one of you. He has made possible this place so filled with joy and light, this Heavenly realm that when your souls are prepared, transformed in the love, it shall be your destiny.
You shall continue to journey forever within that place so blessed, so filled with light and joy, so expressive of God’s Love for you that He has made for you a blessed place, a beautiful gift that you may know joy everlasting beyond the scope of your understanding, so that you may know the light pure, that you may have the vision, the eyes to see all that is wondrous in God’s creation, that you may have the soul filled with His attributes to truly understand these things so that you may walk in the light, so bright and glorious that you will not know yourself. For you will be changed and transformed, beloved souls, transformed in the great light of God’s Love. It comes to each of you as you feel the peace that passes all understanding. God’s blessing is upon you, His Light and Love flows into you. Be open and receptive, and God will respond in accordance to your desire. The light within your soul continuing to build and awaken you to the great possibilities of life.
May you be blessed, beloved souls, truly, profoundly blessed with the great touch of God upon you and we surround you, each one of you. We surround you and bring you peace, healing and joy. In the love of God all things are possible. All healings can manifest. All light shall be. May you be blessed, beloveds. I am your brother, John, and I love you so and all that is good and righteous in the Truth of God is given in this Love. God bless you. God bless you all.