Messages 2024
The Universe of God’s Creation is Multidimensional
November 12th, 2024
Sechelt, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
Blessings to you, my friends. I am Orion. There is so much in the universe for humanity to discover and the greater portion of this is not in the material sense. Yes, there are many things to discover in this regard. But it is in the spiritual sense, the sense of the existence of so much life, that it is difficult for you on the Earth plane in the earthly conditions to perceive. Yet, it exists and it shall exist for eternity. God did not make a narrow dimension of reality and creation, but that creation is multi-dimensional.
Your physicists are beginning to see that there are indeed many dimensions in the universe. In your heart, you know that what you see and know at this time is but a narrow view of the truth and what does exist. Yet, as you expand your perceptions, expand the faculties capable of these perceptions through receiving the great gift of Divine Love, awakening your soul, then you will come to know, experience, see and feel the other dimensions that exist in the universe.
It is not that this is a goal or a priority. Yet, I say to you, my friends, as you continue to grow and expand in your prayers and in the Love that comes from your prayers, the blessings of God within you, it is inevitable that your perceptions will widen and your capacity to know things will deepen. The truth will be laid bare before you and it will be astounding and wondrous, my beloved friends. When these insights come to you, they expand your capacity to accept and embrace the wider universe of God’s creation. When you are in that openness of perception and knowing, then there is joy. There is the awesomeness of experiencing a multi-dimensional universe.
Indeed you must work toward a solid foundation within your being, that which is built on the Love of God, the Divine Essence flowing in, awakening and expanding your soul. Your soul is of a different dimension than the material and because of this, it has capacities to perceive other dimensions. The soul is very different from the mind and the material faculties that you possess. It is something that, if you can imagine, has a three-dimensional perspective of the universe. You are used to a linear, logical way of seeing the world, augmented by your five senses. Yet, the senses of the soul are many. As you continue to grow and these sensitivities grow with it, then you will know that indeed the limitations of your material mind and your senses are not what you wish to nurture, rather to move beyond these things into the multi-dimensional universe that the soul is able to perceive.
In this way, you will come to know us better, you will come to know your angel friends better and you will come to know the Creator of all better. For with the deeper and broader, the multiplicity of perceptions you have, you will be able to absorb a great variety of sensory input and information that might come in this way. I say these things to you so that you may look forward to not just the three-dimensional material universe that you inhabit, that it may be augmented by the gift of Divine Love and the soul awakening by this gift. No, there will be many, many avenues of perception and understanding, of seeing and knowing, of feeling and perceiving, so that the world itself, the universe of God, will be limitless to a soul that has expanded and been transformed in the way in which God has prescribed.
There is much waiting for you, beloved friends, things that I could not possibly describe using the limitations of language, things that you will perceive and experience for yourself. In this way, the reality becomes rich, full and added to by these experiences, by your perceptions and by the knowledge that will come through these avenues, flooding your souls with all manner of information and experience. As you grow in Divine Love, as your foundation is strengthened, as your capacity and willingness to expand in your consciousness beyond that of the material ways, these things I speak of will become a reality. You will see clearly, succinctly and expansively the reality of God, the reality of God’s creation, the reality of our existence and the existences of so much life in all its forms, beauty and iterations, which God not only has created, but continues to create in this ever-expanding universe.
May you be blessed, my beloved friends, with insight, with vision, with wisdom and knowledge that comes as the soul is awakened and transformed by the great Love of God. This is the direction which we are urging you toward, not only us but many others. Indeed, our hope is that you will accept and bravely step forward into the new realities of God, the realities that the soul may bring and the realities that you may accept. May you be blessed, beloved souls. I am Orion and I come to you to give hope, to encourage and to know that you are loved. In the way that you are loved by God and by all your brothers and sisters throughout the galaxy, that love will help you progress and move forward. God bless you, my friends in the highest of blessings, the greatest of love. God bless you. Orion loves you.