Messages 2024

There Is Much to Prepare For

March 13th, 2024

Ancient Gardens, Queensland, Australia

Received by Al Fike

I am Orion. There is much to prepare for, a world that is changing around you. Those changes are not so obvious or powerful in their effects upon your personal life at this time. Yet those changes will be coming soon enough and you must prepare. You must don the cloak of wisdom. You must open your insights and capacities to understand, not from the material sense but the spiritual. Awakening your souls to such an extent that you may be guided daily, that the power of that guidance may draw you upon a road that is intended by God.

None of you are in jeopardy. The purpose of these changes is not to put you in jeopardy. But the old ways of man, the old patterns and habits of your worn and tired society are in jeopardy, not because God intends to destroy what man has created, but God wants His world to thrive. For this world does truly belong to God, that it may be in harmony, to have peace, that all the creatures and creations of God may be in harmony. The ways of man that are contrary to this and the Laws of Creation and the Laws of Love must go by the wayside and new ways, new understandings, new perspectives, new priorities must come into realisation. This, as you can well imagine, will not happen from those levels of society and organisation that you are used to. For they are highly resistant to change and will continue along the path of destruction, if allowed to do so. Not because this is their end goal, but because they are so blinded to what they are doing, the conditions that they are creating and the trajectory that comes from this, that they cannot see anything different. They cannot be flexible and turn that corner that is required in order to avoid disaster.

God is intervening. God is helping humanity in that grass roots way that God operates with His children so that they may make those choices, have those insights and feelings and wisdom that says, “I will not stand this anymore. I will not comply with this idiocy of structure and economies, governments that continue to thrive and strive toward the direction of self-empowerment, in the way of economics, in creating a material world that subjugates the common man”. No, these times are fading and they will continue to fade. In order for the new way to come, a way that will come through the inspiration of those who are of light in the world, and so these structures must crumble. These conditions must be neutralised.

You will see many changes, my friends. Some startling, some very much unexpected, some immediate, some changes that will take time to be incorporated and manifest, but change is inevitable. You must keep your eyes and ears open, my beloved friends. You must look from that perspective of welcoming change, of allowing change in your own life, in your own ways of living so that you are in alignment with what is coming. For what is coming is in alignment with God’s Will.

It is a plan, a plan that God is manifesting in the world. The greatest way in which you may be in alignment is to be in alignment with God. This is your preparation, my friends, to seek alignment with the Creator, to be with God in love, light and truth, to know the joys of this relationship, to open the portals, the ways of connecting with your Creator, to be fulfilled in it and for it to be the fulfilment of your life so that you are not distracted, pulled away into many directions that are not productive, not nurturing, not in harmony.

You carry a great responsibility, beautiful souls of Earth, to be leaders, to be examples, to be lights, to reach out to your fellow man and help them see and feel, help them be comforted by God, help them in many ways that will set their path, their trajectory toward light rather than darkness. It is a formidable task, one that requires your focus and much of your efforts in thought and deed. Make time daily in prayer to be with God. Make time in every moment to be with God and in this way you will fulfil what God wishes for you at this time. And interspersed in these times of connection with your Creator are times of expression of the gifts of your soul in the world. This too, will be a focus for you. For you must be strengthened in the way that you might reach out, communicate, connect and be a loving channel in the world. This cannot be strengthened or realised without practice, effort and desire to be that channel of light and love, to be that sayer of truth, to be one who lives the truth in every aspect and to let go of those things that inhibit you, that hold you from the light. This too, is important and this too, you must attend to.

My beloved friends, I know this sounds formidable and indeed, even one of these tasks requires a great effort, but you are ready, my friends. You are ready for this and you will find yourself complying with the Will of God in such a way that it brings joy and fulfilment, even relief and freedom. So much is required of you, but so much in the way of resources and support has been given and will continue to be given. I urge you forward in your preparations, in the areas in which you must focus and be in alignment with all that is of light, all that which is harmonious, all that which will bring to you greater light, greater harmony and greater love.

Each of you has many hidden gifts. Each of you is capable of many things and now is the time to help shore up those capacities within you by recognising them, acknowledging and loving those parts of yourself that are new and tender within, that are being nurtured by love. You must nurture them as well by your love, your acknowledgement. Be strong, not allowing your scepticism, your mental restrictions and resistance to bar the way of these expressions for they begin and manifest in ways that are new and tender and not perfect. As you allow them to be, they are allowed to grow and manifest in many ways. This is your challenge, my beloved friends, to be that channel of love which that very way of being involves many, many aspects of your spiritual self, your soulful self, expressed in clarity and light, expressed wholeheartedly, enthusiastically, expressed in love.

May you find your way upon this journey of awakening. All the beautiful aspects of your soul, all that is within you, all the peace to come forth in these times of great need, of great change, a shift in consciousness of humanity. May you be blessed upon this road. May the love of God strengthen you, cleanse you, change you so that you are truly, truly a clear and bright channel of love and truth, comfort and healing, of peace. God bless you. I am Orion. My love is with you, my support is for each one of you and there are many who join me in this. God bless you. God bless you all.