Messages 2024
This is Happiness
March 26th, 2024
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
I am here, Claire of Assisi, your sister in Christ. Happiness can be so elusive and in the human condition, confusing. You may ask “What is happiness? How do I find it? Is it inside? Is it outside? Is it things? Is it physicality? Is it art? Is it food?”
Well I shall say this. All these things can bring wonderful moments of happiness, but as you all are aware, even those who possess much of these things are quite often not happy at all. In my time on earth, when my family and my friends, my sisters, we saw our beloved Francis give it all up,1 he and his brothers taking vow of poverty, removing themselves from business and the world, relying on God alone to sustain them, they were shocked, but I will tell you what impressed me the most was how happy they were. These brothers filled with joy in the simplicity of being in nature, praying and singing odes of joy to God. And despite not having much, sharing with all, especially those who even had less.
I could see that this connection with God, with the earth, in brotherhood brought them great happiness, and though I too came from a family of considerable means, it was not a family of happiness. I told my mother of my intentions and she gave me her blessing and then I needed to get the blessing and approval of Francis, and he seeing the sincerity of my heart and my soul said: “Yes we will make a place for you and those that come with you, and we will certainly support you spiritually.”
So as you may be well aware of, my sisters and I took vows of poverty, lived a somewhat cloistered life, we sang a lot, but we did not speak much, and we also took care of those in need, removed ourselves from the world into nature and into at-Onement with the love of God.
Many on earth come to this point of spiritual crisis, calling out to God, whether rich or poor, they come in the poverty of spirit, in the unhappiness of their journey, and those who come in true aspiration and true prayer are helped and sustained and given opportunities. You may think, well, how can I leave the world behind? I have responsibilities. I have family. I have a job. I must make time to pray and then take care of all my responsibilities.
I would not wish, nor would any here, for any of you to feel that you had to abandon all that physically as we did and go off to a monastery or temple. Yet I will say this, that you can abandon the world and its concerns, metaphorically, as you walk in prayer, as you talk in prayer, as you serve others. And gratitude will enter your heart, knowing you have helped another soul, as you pray with others as you do in these beautiful circles, and as your light goes out into the world. In every moment, you can bring this love to your family, to your friends, to your workplace. You cannot put God’s love in another’s soul, but you can certainly draw them in with the great spiritual magnetism of Divine Love that you are now a possessor of.
What a glorious gift, when you are in your soul, in this prayer at one with our Creator, allowing the joy to come in, and supersede all those things that you were distracted by. So, as has been said before, make the world your monastery, make the world your church, your temple. Serve the world with the riches of the love of God, for truly, the world is impoverished.
Lastly I will tell you that even your grief is a result of love. When you truly know this, you will find that grief, is a result of love, that love becomes a result of grief, and that the very love that broke your heart will now change it and bring you to God and bring you to joy. This is happiness. May it be yours, every single one of you. We are all so truly loved by God. I thank you and my brother. May God bless you. Go in peace.
I am Claire, once from Assisi, now a celestial angel, and your friend, always.
Note 1 Francis came from a wealthy merchant family.