Messages 2024

This Time is a Gift from God

March 15th, 2024

Botany Bay, Sydney

Received by Al Fike

The situation that you find yourself in is not contrary to our plans. In fact it is fortuitous that you may have this time together, to pray together, to speak together and to bond together. For you are setting the stage for much work that will come and it will be an integral part of your efforts together. This time so far away from your homes and yet, do you not feel at home? Do you not feel the joy of what has been given in the situation in which you find yourself?

My beloved and beautiful seekers of truth, souls who are growing in God’s Love, talk to one another. Pray with one another. Seek enlightenment together. Indeed you may even plan together some strategies and approaches. For this would also be fortuitous. As you are well aware, we do not guide you in every detail and specific thing. Rather we help you to flow within the Will of God and to express yourself within that Will. Thus you may plan and you may have intentions, voiced and realised. Yet it is important that you move within the parameters of God’s Will and plan.

We give you time, beloved souls, time to contemplate. Time to consider, for this luxury of time is well-timed and well placed within the framework of your continued progress and service. It does not have to be all connecting and reinforcing those who are seeking truth. It can be time for yourselves, for your replenishment, for your consideration, for your soul’s growth and awakening. Think of this as one of your retreats for yourselves, given by God as a gift.

I know this instrument often feels that he is not fulfilling the Will of God and is taking advantage of these situations, these luxurious conditions, but I wish to reassure him that this is a gift from God and a gift from all that love you and uphold you. Take full advantage of what you have here, beloved souls. Take full advantage of this time, so precious, so rich in possibilities, and be in the grace of God, always. Be in the grace of God in love.

I am Seretta Kem and happy that you have come together in this way. Yes other activities and work will be a part of this time. But primarily it is to focus upon yourselves, beloveds. To heal and uphold, to inspire and to be creative together in your thinking, in your attentions, in your desires to be God’s instruments. Yes we may impart much to you. But indeed it is important that you reach for God and receive what God has to impart to you and to be at peace, beloveds, not strained and stretching the concept of productivity that is so very much a part of your lives and your culture. Rather, allow yourself to go with the flow of God’s Will. In this fluidity of being, many insights will come. Much will open and you will know, by the time you are finished here, insights and information that you did not know before you began.

May you be blessed, beloved souls. Blessed and filled with the grace of God, His beautiful Love infilling you, inspiring you, cleansing you, awakening you and uplifting you. God bless you. I am Seretta Kem. My love is with you and I shall speak again, as will others, to help you on this small journey taken together. God bless you. God bless you.