Messages 2024

Time and No Time

May 7th, 2024

Sechelt, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

God does love you, beloveds, I am Orion. God knows you far beyond your own knowledge of yourself. God knows your destiny, the journey you will take. For in God’s consciousness there is no time, there is merely the merging of all time, of all actions, of all expressions. All that is of you and the universe is within the awareness of the Creator.

So this journey that you take is often a mystery, unknown, unfathomable. Yet to God all is known and all shall be known. Even we, who are advanced in our souls, do not know all, but we have a sense that God does. As we attune ourselves to God in the deep and profound way that we are able, so we get a sense of the future, we get a sense of the journey for each one of us, and the universe as it unfolds in time and in no time. This contradiction of thought cannot be fathomed by the mind, but by the soul.

My beloved friends, have faith in the journey that God has placed you upon. Have faith in your intuitive knowing, your soulful awareness of the direction that you are going and the ways in which you are expressing yourself on this journey. For to have consciousness of these things, to be informed, knowledgeable and wise with each footfall is to be empowered by the Divine Touch, empowered by the Light of the Essence of God that burns within you and where that Essence has its connection, its knowing from God.

Know your soul, beloved and beautiful friends. This is a journey that we all take together, some of us further along the path than others. It will always be thus, until that great day when all who have been transformed and walk upon the Eternal Path will merge with God and find that universal consciousness fulfilled and awakened. Even then, we do not know if the journey ends or whether it is just another step. Indeed you are a long way from that place, but you are heading in that direction. You are walking along the Path Divine where, as you seek this great gift of Love, so you continue to awaken, so you continue to feel closer to God, so you continue to be in greater harmony with all that God has created. In this way God is using you as His channels of love, His beacons of light, His harbingers of truth as you walk in the world. Even though you may say nothing, your very presence broadcasts out into the world the Light of Truth and the Truth of Love.

There will come times, many times, where God will guide you forward and you will have the opportunity to speak these truths. Indeed, the most powerful way of communication is to give the simple truth, embellished and blessed with love. In this way, the soul is drawn. The soul understands, the soul will respond. God has many, many tasks for you to perform, beloved souls. He sees the future. He knows the moment, the next moment and the billions of moments to come. I say to you, be attuned to God.

Be with God and all that God is, the consciousness of God, the Love of God. In this way, you will get insights and glimpses into your own future and destiny. I know that you will have amazement and joy in this knowing. Have great faith, my friends. For you walk on a path that is like none other and you are blessed like few are blessed upon your world. Be assured that in this blessing upon this path, you will be astounded by the journey, by your awakening, by your understanding of the many things of the soul.

God bless you, my friends. I am Orion and I love you, beautiful budding seeds of truth and love, creations of God, unique and glorious. You affirm the wonderment of creation by your very being and you are truly blessed in what knowings you have and what knowings will come. God bless you. My love is with you, my friends. Continue to seek the great gift and know its blessings and know its benefits. God bless you.