Messages 2024

You Must Come to Understand the Power of Your Free Will

February 20th, 2024

Sechelt, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

Bless you, beloved friends. I am James, and I come to speak to you about a very important subject. It is regarding your will, my beloved friends. For without the exercise of your will nothing can happen, whether it be spiritual or material in this world. As you’ve been told many times, you have the gift of free will. You may choose. The power of choice is a great responsibility given to every soul, and without the exercise of that power, that gift, then the individual drifts in and out of conditions and thoughts that are not their own, but are the result of others exercising their will and their expression in the world.

We talk about your desires, your compliance to the Will of God. But that compliance does not come without the exercising of your own will, your own decision to listen, and to accept the Will of God. Many of you do not know your own will. You are confused by this. Those of you who are very sensitive, and have known spirit influence in a conscious way, wonder what is your will, and what is the will of spirit? Indeed, you must pray for discernment in this regard. For without knowing, without truly understanding your own motivations, and the influence that comes from outside of you, then the exercise of your will in its pure form will not be understood nor expressed clearly. Be wise, my beloved and beautiful friends, for it is in the wisdom of the soul that you may make your choices well, and in accordance and harmony with God’s Will.

There will always be a collaboration between your will and God’s, given your desire to do so. You cannot drift through life, abdicating the power of your own free will and having the idea, the illusion that God is guiding you in everything. For this is not true. God Will certainly guide you. When there is work to be done, when there is God’s Will to be performed through you, then, indeed, that expression will come to you and will come through you. Yet, it is still a collaboration, not a pure and unadulterated expression of God through you. No one has this capability in a consistent way.

You must come to understand the dynamics and mechanisms of being God’s instrument. It is not so simple that all is in accordance with God’s Will expressed through you clearly and beautifully. Of course, there are times when this is true. There are times when that expression is pure and wonderous. In most cases, since you are most assuredly operating from your material mind, then there is a negotiation between the understanding of the soul, and the will that comes as a result of this, and your material mindful will and expression in the world.

Do not be confused by these things. With discernment and wisdom, you may come to express God’s Will in a more purified and effective way. But you must understand the power of your own will, how it does influence everything. You must come to know the power of your own soul, and how the desire of your soul in conjunction with the will of your mind may be a formidable force for God. These things you must come to understand and cultivate within your consciousness, so that you are truly in alignment with the Will of God expressed through your own being and in harmony with all parts of yourself. This comes as you grow in the Father’s Love, as you continue to awaken in this Love, and create within yourself a consciousness that reflects the Truth of this Love, the expression of this Love, the transformative powers of this Love, affecting you in many ways.

Be in harmony with God, beloved souls. Do not fight God’s Will, but come to understand it and incorporate it into your life, your thoughts, your actions. As your soul grows in God’s Love, it becomes easier and more fluid, and your loving expression will come from this. God has many plans for each one of you, but you must come to understand them, to be conscious of them, to allow them to manifest through you, and to embrace them wholeheartedly with a strong desire and intensity of desire to be truly in harmony with the Will of God. That harmony comes with your will in conjunction with God’s Love.

There is a knowing. There is an understanding. There is, in a form, an acquiescence of your will with God’s Will. Though it is not that you abdicate your will. It is that you join your will with God and perform the wondrous tasks that God has planned for each one of you. As you hone this relationship, this merging of wills, so what comes through you, what is expressed in your life as God’s instruments, will be wonderful and beautiful. There will be no conflict, confusion or duality. Rather, there will be the oneness of you and God working together for the benefit of humanity.

This is what we wish for you, beloved souls. We talk of the power of will so that you may understand and practice the merging of your will with God, the harmony that will come from this, the expression of your true and beautiful self, starting with the understanding and knowing that comes with the soul awakened, that bubbles forth into the consciousness of the mind and is integrated and expressed with harmony in this way.

I am James. May you be blessed, beloved souls, with the beautiful Touch and blessing of God’s Love. In this, know your own will that comes from that deep place and know God’s Will that comes from that place as well. Together, you will do wonderous things. May you be blessed. My love is with you, always. God bless you.