Messages 2024
We Will Love, One Love Always and Forever
January 30th, 2024
Sechelt, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
Your friend Orion comes once again. May you continue to grow in the great gift of Universal Love from our Creator. May you continue to open to all the extraordinary expressions of your soul and come to be changed and transformed in this endeavor of soul awakening. Continuing to receive the great gift is key to all things and you will find yourself elevated, open, with great insights and revelations that come as your soul awakens and becomes that beautiful being, an expression that God has intended.
I want to emphasise how important it is for you to come together in this way, in a consistent way, in a dedicated way. For how many on your Earth do so? How many pray as you do? How many are in harmony as you are? Very few indeed. Yet the power of your prayers, your group, your commitment together is extraordinary and brings many blessings to this Earth plane. It allows us to come. It allows your angel friends to come, bright spirits to come. This connection, this portal of light, this group of sincere souls continues to bring the unfolding expression of God’s Will in the world, and we are all a part of this. But when one aspect of it falls short, then we all fall short. It is in your desire to reach for the highest and be together in that reaching, to be unified in your efforts, that the entire chain is linked together in a powerful way. When that link is broken, then we must find other avenues and individuals to express our work and our support of the upholding of the peoples on Earth and the unfolding of their progression, both spiritually and physically.
It is a very immense task that requires great dedication, great effort and we cannot succeed in these efforts without your express desire to be with us in all the work and efforts that we make. We need you, just as you need us, just as we all need God. Therefore forging these links which have been forged over a number of months and years is crucial to this work. You provide an important avenue for all of us. I believe you know this well. I believe that each one of you is dedicated to continuing to work together. Yet from time to time it is important that we emphasise and remind you of how important this work is, how crucial you are in this work, how it is made possible by your prayerful dedications, mindful dedications and physical dedications in terms of time and place.
Thus we come together and we do so at the right time and the right place. This is a demand that is part of your physical world, though we have many such meetings together that are not part of the physical world. This one meeting that we conduct together is paramount and important to the work. So I encourage you, my friends, that we may work together. We will continue to work together as long as you’re willing to work together. We will not compromise or let any of you down in terms of our commitment and our hope is you will do the same in your commitment. We continue to progress forward although many of you, I have no doubt, think that you are unaware of this progress. I must remind you that when you look at the world from the physical perspective, the mindful perspective, you will see very little that gives you indication of this progress. You must strive toward spiritual insight, the perceptions of the soul, perceptions that are within you, each and every one of you. Often they are overshadowed and ignored by the material.
More dedication in prayer, more discipline in thought, more expression of love, more of everything, my friends, is required. I know we continue to goad you on in your progression, encourage you and at times, reprimand you. I say you have chosen the higher road and therefore, requires greater dedication, discipline, desire and prayer. So we continue, my friends, continue in effort. We continue because each of us knows that our efforts are not wasted and that the world needs those like ourselves to dedicate ourselves towards truth, light and love. So we shall, my friends. That day will never cease. Our dedications will continue forever.
Yet for now we are here upon the earthly plane working to accomplish our goals, working to be a light, working to bring God’s blessings to your world. We shall together, brothers, sisters, cohorts in the great effort to transform the world, instruments of God, first and foremost, beautiful channels of love and light. So we are and so shall we be, beloved souls, forever more. We shall serve in the name of truth, in the name of love, in the name of light, expressed in our dedications, not only here together but with every breath.
May you be blessed, my beloved friends, in the light truly, in alignment with God truly, in harmony with one another truly, with the desire to be God’s instruments, unimpeded, clear, powerfully in your world. God bless you, my friends. I am Orion and we shall be together. We shall love one another. We shall work, for the work is great and is never finished. God bless you. My love is with you always. God bless you.