Messages 2024

Why Humans Do Not Respond to Divine Love Opportunities

March 14th, 2024

Ancient Gardens, Queensland, Australia

Received by Al Fike

I’m your teacher Augustine. My son, (P) you speak of your frustrations and your observations of human condition and human nature, to avoid truth, to avoid acting upon truth. The insights that you have are merely a small portion of what we have of humanity. But we do not judge. Judgement is beyond us. We bring love. We bring compassion. We know beyond the shadow of a doubt that each individual soul will find their way to light in some way or another. We have faith in the process, the journey of the soul towards God and thus, we do not judge. There are quicker routes, routes that are more in alignment with God, attitudes and behaviours that are in greater harmony with God. Yet there are many, many ways and journeys for each soul to take, determined by free will choices and conditions that influence.

We cannot judge. For if we were to judge, we would abandon you all. We would leave you to your own resources and your own choices. But this is not the way of love. We persist and we continue to uphold, to teach and to help each one of you to find your way to God, to find your way to harmony and peace. Yes this world of yours is greatly damaged by the behaviour of humanity. This even a child can comprehend, but it has been this way for a long, long time. The human condition has been worsening and yet it has been dark for a long time. We in the Celestial Kingdom, who have observed humanity for hundreds of years, must learn patience early on as we make our journey through the spheres of spirit and release our encrustations and gain the wisdom and perceptions of the soul and gain love and compassion.

You just begin, each of you just begin on this journey and you have gained more compassion and love than when you started. It shall grow because this is inevitable. It is part of the laws in action that one of the important reasons for seeking the Love of God is to seek the capacity to love, the capacity to have compassion and the capacity to see beyond the faults and the conditions of an individual that are not easy to look at or likeable or whatever the case may be. Yet, with all of these perceptions, and there will be more as you continue on this journey, rather than cultivate judgement you must cultivate compassion. Judgement will not save anybody. Judgement merely depreciates your own personal condition. Anger also is detrimental. Peace, calm, harmonious conditions infused with love and compassion, these things are far more powerful than speaking the truth in a judgmental way.

Yet for you upon the earthly plane, speaking in a judgemental way is easy. It is part of your culture. It is part of your reality. Yet you must learn to overcome these patterns and conditions that are so ingrained within you. To walk in the world as a light is to be a confrontation to these conditions that I speak of. To be a light is to have compassion for yourself, your own flaws and behaviours that are not becoming. For if you cannot forgive yourself, if you cannot love yourself, then it is very difficult to love another. Often because you do not love yourself, it is more easy to express critical conditions and feelings within you towards others. For it is a reflection of the inner condition.

This path is not an easy path because it is so confrontational to the world and this is why many do not ascribe to this path because they feel uncomfortable. They often feel judged even though they are not. Indeed as one comes closer to God, that sense of self judgement and depreciation becomes more real, more powerful within. God has complete and utter compassion for each of you, for this world, for all creation and so do we. For we have found our way so that our souls are not merely the reflection of God, but the substance of God is within us to such a degree that attributes of compassion, love and wisdom and many more things are a part of us.

We cannot contradict those parts of us that are true and have been developed over the time it has taken for us to be transformed souls. You, my beloved friends, are well upon the process, the journey, but these human conditions, these human ways continue to be very much a part of you. You may observe one another and most likely discern the flaws, the contradictions, the conditions that are not in harmony with God’s laws. Yet would you turn your back to one another? No. You wish to help. You wish to correct. You wish to support.

It is always up to the individual regarding what choices they make and how they will live their lives. It can be a powerful example of how your behaviour and your judgements may be enacted in your world and in the world of those who live and are connected to you. To choose love over judgement will bring light and harmony to those around you.

The need for correction and balance, for healing, for truth, for harmony, for love is tremendous in your world and if you have the eyes to see, it can be overwhelming. When you have the strength of God within your soul and as these attributes of God start to manifest through you, you will be strong enough to withstand the onslaught of truth regarding the conditions of this world and the conditions of those you love.There is so much that holds humanity back from God but each of you strive, make great effort to reach beyond these conditions, these habits and patterns within you.

You continue to break free of these things, step by step, piece by piece, issue by issue. They are falling away. They are falling away. Now if God did not have compassion for you, if He did not have love for you, do you think you could manage this incredibly difficult journey on your own? No, my beloveds. It is the love and compassion that is poured upon you that allows you to break free of these conditions. It is the power of God’s Love flowing into your soul that gives you the insight and the strength to look and to change. But it is often one step forward and two steps back. Even when you are clear with your insights, with your capacity to see, those things that need to be healed, recalibrated and changed, that you often turn your gaze away, sometimes in shame, sometimes because you are overwhelmed or lost, unable to see a way through.

Indeed, as the Divine Love continues to flow into your souls, you gain this strength, insight and compassion for yourself. So it goes, beloveds. Even you who know this truth well continue to struggle. Yet you make decisions that are in harmony with light and love and the more you do so, the more you are able to do so until you have run through the gauntlet of your own human condition and come out the other end of this formidable journey, come out clear and free and joyful. God will ensure that this will happen, beloved souls. It is your personal responsibility to take that journey, to release the conditions, expiate and acknowledge that which is not in harmony for you and in harmony in God’s creation. No one else can do this for you. You may have individuals that are eager to correct you and to tell you what they think is the truth. Those words could fall on the ground easily and be lost to you if you are unwilling to listen and to see. Even in this, the individual’s perceptions are theirs alone and not yours. You must see on your own through your own ways and means of understanding truth and understanding yourself.

There is so much upon this journey to understand, to recognise and to heal. But remember, that God’s timing, His ways and means of healing you, His compassion and touch upon you, His love that continues to flow to you, are always there. God does not turn away from humanity. Humanity turns away from God. It is your challenge to turn back to God and to subscribe to the ways and means that God has created to heal you and to bring you into light, clarity, and expansive soul growth, all having its effects in your life. Take responsibility for what you do in your life but do not be attached to what others do in theirs. For this is only a formula for great frustration and creating difficulties for yourself. It is gratifying to speak the truth to another, a truth that you have discovered, a truth that you wish to share, but often these things go to deaf ears. For the individual is not ready to hear and to acknowledge. Do you stop loving, when they do so, or do you have patience and compassion for them? Their journey is their own. Yours is your own. You must respect the journey of another and you must take responsibility for your own.

Beloved friends, beautiful students of truth, each of you is earnest in your desire for truth, your desire to progress spiritually, your desire to awaken your soul in God’s Love and so you will, my beloved and beautiful students. I see the journey ahead for you. Many angels see the journey ahead for you, but they cannot tell you much about that journey. For it is improper and sinful to circumvent free will. We must respect, we must be patient and we must allow.

So it is and always will be, beloved souls. Yet we see that you make progress, that you continue in many ways to make progress. In some ways you are weak and have yet to see beyond that weakness or that part of you that does not wish to see. This will come, this will come in time. As the Earth changes and conditions change, this too, will stimulate you to deeper insight and change within you, change of attitude, change of perspective, change of opinions and that which is important. Indeed, this journey is difficult but all the rewards are great and shall add to your great soul for all eternity.

God bless you. I am your teacher, Augustine and I love you. I respect you and I see you. I love you. God bless you.