Messages 2024

Your Yearnings for Truth

August 4th, 2024

Sechelt, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

Pray for the great gift of life for your soul, beloveds. I come, I am Jesus, Master of the Celestial Heavens. I come to bless you and to be with you. I come because each of you yearns for truth and each of you seeks to fulfil the longings of your soul. I come because I have great love and compassion for each one who struggles in this world of yours, who takes up the mantle of truth, who seeks light and that which is in harmony with love. I come for you. I come to touch each one of you in the blessings of God’s Love. For how many yearn and have no idea how they may fulfil that yearning? How many seek and do not find the truth? How many wander the world lost and afraid? Yet you brave and beautiful souls that you are have found your way to God and seek the truth that God has to give as He nurtures your soul.

You are the precious few. I lament the fact that there are few others in the world that follow this road. Indeed, many have received this gift of Love in their souls, but know not its power or the possibility of its transforming touch upon them. To be consciously aware of these things is a great gift, a great boon to your life. Those who continue to walk this road of Love and Truth shall be accompanied by the angels of Heaven and the Hand of God upon them. We work diligently for this to be the case. We are the harbingers of Light and Truth that come to uplift you, to inspire you and to protect you. This is God’s Will. This is the fulfilment of God’s plan for each one of you. As you align yourself with this mighty Truth of Love and God wraps you in Light, and cares for you deeply, seeking that you might know the fulfilment of your soul’s desires to truly know Him and to truly know your own soul.

These blessings come in a myriad of forms, in a multitude of ways. They come to each one of you. Count your blessings, beloved souls. Count how God has nurtured you and is in your life through many ways, through many expressions and blessings. For these gifts are given freely in love. To those who are willing to accept and embrace, they are given. Not that God restricts His blessings to those who understand the source of them, for God blesses all His children. but your blessing is in the knowing. Your blessing is in receiving and acknowledging the gift that is given, the gift that is the wonderment of God’s Love manifest and placed within your soul for all eternity.

Your journeys are blessed because your minds, souls and spirits seek the truth and seek to live the truth. In this, by the laws that you invoke, you bring the Light to you. As you seek the Love of God, so the Light within you brightens and glows and is a powerful signal to all around you that the grace of God resides within. I urge you to speak of this grace to others, to help bring this truth to humanity. For what else will heal the world of all this deprivation of love? What else will bring harmony? What else will bring peace, but the power of Love to heal the injured soul? Those who seek to be in harmony, those who seek peace, those who seek relief from their pain, to bring comfort, the ways and means of eternal joy will be blessed by the Hand of God and guided thusly.

Beloved souls, be God’s instruments of light, channels of love, beacons of truth, and you shall be blessed mightily, beloveds. I am with you. I love you and shall always be with you and always love you. Beloved blessings, beloved souls, we come together with the Hand of God upon us and the power of His Touch to heal us, uplift us and change us forever. Open yourselves, beloveds. Open yourselves to this Touch and you will know it. In some way, you will acknowledge and experience this blessing. It is meant for each one of you and shall be given in abundance, in abundance, beloveds.

The flow of the Holy Spirit upon each one, awakening you a little further upon the path of at-onement with God. God bless you. I am your brother. I am your friend in Love and Truth in the glory of God and the peace that passes all understanding. I am with you and we are together in this blessing from our beloved Creator. God bless you.