Messages 2024
You are Links in the Legacy
August 29th, 2024
Sechelt, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
What a privilege and honour it is to speak to you. I am James Padgett. My beloved friends, I know that I was an impure instrument in the world. Yet look what God could accomplish through me. I am an example of how the blessings and efforts of God, through His angels, can bring about great work and can bring about deep truth. Indeed I struggled with my role and instrumentality. I was not the ideal servant of God. Yet I persisted. Indeed, because I persisted, today you know of these truths. Today you are benefiting from these efforts. I do not take the acknowledgement of this as the only instrument involved. Indeed I was merely one of many who brought through the chain of truth to you.
You shall be part of that chain, my friends. Your link is important. If that link gets broken, then wherever that chain leads in the world will be broken. See it in this regard. That you are a valuable and important link in the chain of truth to be shared in the world. The efforts that you make forge that link strong and unbreakable. There will be other souls that will join with you and link along the passageway toward sharing this important and crucial truth to many others in the world. Indeed, the links shall expand and the chain shall spread out toward many, many directions in the world. This is part of God’s plan for the salvation of humanity. You are doing your part and you will continue to do so.
God will ensure that you are protected, guided and inspired upon that road. Continue as our beloved Master has said, to be true to your soul and to God, to be true to the truth of love and to be willing and eager to serve God. For God requires you, as He required me in my time, to help bring about the great revolution of truth that is coming so that the minds, souls and hearts of men might be inspired, that they may look and see the the importance of knowing how to nurture their soul and to release the burden of darkness and error within. In this way, humanity may progress further upon this road that is so beautiful. This world of yours that requires the attention of love and honouring from humanity, this need for one another to love and honour each other and to move forward in harmony with God’s Laws of Creation and Love.
All these things are required. Indeed, as you come to this understanding, expressing these truths as best you can, in all the ways that are available to you, you will be blessed, my friends. Greatly blessed, as I was greatly blessed and continue to be blessed. You will enter into the Kingdom, the Celestial Kingdom, in time as the great reward for your efforts to replenish your soul in love and to be transformed in this way. The reward is given freely by God to all those who seek the truth and live by it.
God bless you, my friends. I am your brother James, James Padgett. I come to reinforce your efforts. Know that I and many angels are with you in this. The work continues and shall go on for eternity. God bless you, my friends. God bless you.