Messages 2024

You Will Grow the Shade for Those to Come

January 15th, 2024


Received by Al Fike

You forge the road ahead for others. Upon this road, there is no shade from the sun. You sow the seeds that shall bear the fruit in the trees that shall shade the road for others. Those who forge the road are the strong ones, the ones that have within them a strong purpose and desire to serve God, the leaders.

Those who follow will appreciate your efforts, beloved souls, will come to understand the sacrifices and the dedications you have made in order that they may benefit, and find the blessings that are available to all. Many are tested and tried upon this road. Some fall away. Some forge ahead.

Those who have great faith in God and wish to be guided by God will be shown the way, protected from the harsh rays of the sun by the great Hand of God, and will find their way upon a road less traveled, yet one that beckons forth those who are seeking truth.

Be that strong and faithful child of God. Walk the road less traveled. In this, their just rewards will be given, in many ways and forms, in many blessings. As the Father’s Love grows within you, you will be strengthened evermore and find your way with clarity and vision.

Many are waiting for you to begin the journey and to show the way. They are poised to follow and you must lead, my friends. God has chosen you to lead. God is showing you the way and providing you with the ways and means to lead others upon this precious road of truth.

Be steadfast and know that you are guided and protected. God will provide for you. There will be no great sacrifice as you saw your great brother Jesus make. No, my friends. There will be joy, fulfillment and great awakening not only for yourself but for those who follow.

The beautiful bower of trees that you will sow will be there for centuries to come and will mark the way that was forged by brave and beautiful souls. Children of God, who, unlike many, chose the path less traveled and made with it a road that is magnificent, clear and straight. All who wish to travel will find their footfalls clear and easy to make.

Build with God that which is intended. Be His servants, and He will show you how to walk this road of truth and beckon forth your brothers and sisters upon the path. God will give you all that you require, but it requires your bravery, dedication, and faith to build within you the Light of God, His Essence glowing, making for you the fires of truth that shall light the path and inform your way.

Do not falter. Walk in faith, and all shall be given in love. In God’s dedication to you, you will find the strength you need, the wisdom and the compassion for the lost souls in need of direction and guidance. You shall forge the way and show the road to truth to many.

God bless you. I am Samuel. I walk with you, as do many, and shall forevermore. For we walk in truth, the truth of love, the truth of light and the truth of all things created by God and we shall not falter together. We will uphold one another. We will uphold you and be with you. God will give you the seeds to mark the road for others.

Beloved souls, you are blessed and truly loved. You will know the way. The way is clear and the vision shall be given. God bless you, beloved souls. Children of God, brothers and sisters all, upon the path of true awakening and enlightenment. It comes with the power of love. God bless you. God bless you all. My love is with you, always.