Welcome to Soul Truth

Discovering and uncovering our soul is not an easy task. It requires a bit of faith and application of the principles which empower soul awakening. Its not something that comes all at once but is a step by step process which is well explained in the recorded transcripts of messages received and available on this site. Over 2,000 messages are contained here addressing important spiritual topics and can all be reached by the on-site full text search facility situated at the top of every page. Great spiritual teachers of the past have shared their continued journeys in the spirit realms through mortals gifted in spirit communication. What they have to say may challenge your mind’s beliefs but will likely inspire the soul to explore further.

Teachers such as Confucius, Josephus, Augustine, Jesus, Yogananda, St Francis of Assisi and a great many others have a lot to say and are anxious for the world to consider the spiritual truths that they have to share. Their journeys towards enlightenment have brought many surprising revelations which are contained within these messages.

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