Messages 2021

Meditation is not what you think!

August 26rd, 2021

Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here Clare. I am known as Clare of Assisi. I founded an order of nuns inspired by my beloved Francis. We gave up much of our material desires except for necessities because as Charles1 has pointed out, we knew that love would nourish us and most especially, God’s Love.

Our environment at times was harsh but the gentleness and the flow of being in the Grace of God was like a warm glow on a winter night, like a cool breeze on a midsummer’s day, the blessing of a spring shower and all the colors of fall. Be gentle with yourselves, so that your needs may be taken care of. Just as the birds are not concerned and as Francis so beautifully put it, be not concerned about your next meal or all these things that weigh heavily on people in your world today.

When you come into prayer, in Holy communion, the more you let go and as is said: “Let God”, the more you will be lifted. Be gentle with yourselves. The world, so much in darkness, despair and seeming chaos, will respond to your love. All that is required is a little time in prayer, in meditation, with an open heart that God may touch your soul. Relax your mind for meditation is not what you think.

Feel this Grace. This warm embrace of our loving Creator. Are we not all children of God? All are worthy to be loved, to receive it, to share it. Trust, and have Faith. You have nothing to lose but doubt, worry, and concern, and everything to gain in the Love of God, your gift to humanity. Go in peace. I am your sister and friend in Christ. I am Clare of Assisi now an inhabitant of the Celestial heavens and I love you. Go in Peace.

Note 1 Charlie Chaplin’s previous message that day.